A Blissful Life 9/17/24: Less Is More

Our focus this month at Ocean Bliss Yoga is Aparigraha (‘non-attachment’, ‘non-greed’, or ‘non-possessiveness’). In today’s column, we will explore this moral code from the yoga tradition, specifically examining its effect on our happiness.

Would you think it contradictory if I said that Aparigraha fosters contentment? Modern society teaches from a young age that the more things you have, the happier and more worthy you will feel. While our civilization is built on consumerism where the goal of life is to accumulate, the truth is that having more ‘things’ adds very little value to our development and lasting contentment.

Sure, external objects may provide you with short-term happiness or pleasure, but if you pay attention you will notice that these effects are temporary and eventually wear off, leaving you thirsty for something more. However, when you turn your attention inward and practice connecting with your inner self and your inner peace, you begin to create a lasting happiness that does not rely on anything outside yourself.

Aparigraha means not getting caught up in the race of accumulation. Have what you need and leave the rest. One thing you can do as you work on practicing Aparigraha is when you are thinking about buying something, pause and ask yourself, “Do I really need this? Can I remain happy without it?” This exercise will help you buy only what you need and avoid increasing your dependence on external objects.

Instead of looking to fill your satisfaction with something external, turn your attention inward and practice connecting with your innate joy. Some helpful tools for self-connection include meditation, yoga, prayer, and journaling. If you have lived with an externally focused mind for a while, it may take a little bit of time to connect with your inner source of bliss. Stay committed and be patient, kind, and curious along the way. It can also be helpful to find like-minded individuals to practice with. At Ocean Bliss Yoga we offer free study groups and book clubs, along with yoga classes and a multitude of workshops.

Interestingly enough, and speaking from my own experience, I find that in practicing Aparigraha everything that I want actually comes to me. When we let go of the greed or desire for something, when we discipline ourselves and do not overindulge, we are acting in accordance with the laws of nature– and nature always provides.

So, how do you know if you are practicing Aparigraha? You are practicing Aparigraha when you live a certain standard of life with an unwavering sense of happiness. If tomorrow you were handed a trillion dollars, your level of happiness would not change. You are a happy person, and you will be a happy person, not because of what’s around you, but because of what is inside of you.

In conclusion, I invite you to reflect on Aparigraha and how you practice or fail to practice this in your own life. Get curious about what you are holding onto and what would happen if you let some of those things go. What would it feel like to have a bit of extra space? Keep in mind that if you are trying to manifest something, it will only come in if there is the space for it!

I invite you to join us at Ocean Bliss Yoga for classes, workshops, and study groups. Browse our schedule and sign up at oceanblissyoga.net. Call or text me with any questions at 917-318-1168.

Jennifer Kelleher