A Blissful Life 7/30/24: Rest Is Productive
Happy August! As we move toward summer’s midline, now can be a nice time to check in with yourself and revisit the three questions posed in this column back in June: Are you satisfied with how you are spending your summer? Are you enjoying yourself, while staying balanced and healthy? Are you on track to be where you want to be and feel how you want to feel at the end of summer, a month and a half from now?
Take a few deep and conscious breaths to get present. Spend some time journaling on the questions above and visualizing how you would like to spend the remainder of your summer. Open yourself up to the possibility of making your dreams a reality and consider the steps you can take to help bring your visions into fruition.
Our theme at Ocean Bliss Yoga this August is ‘Savasana’ (Corpse Pose). This integral asana is a part of every yoga practice for a reason. Read on below to learn more, and join us in the studio for classes and workshops to experience the benefits firsthand.
Savasana is a pose of total relaxation. Yet, for many this asana does not come easily. We live in a yang-oriented society that celebrates activity and accolades. We are encouraged to be productive, to get things done, to not waste time, and to hit milestones and then keep going. So, to put all of this aside and intentionally dedicate time to stillness and relaxation might initially feel uncomfortable, boring, or counterproductive. However, sometimes what your mind rejects is actually what you need the most.
Savasana plays an essential role in the yoga practice and, personally, I see it as one of the most powerful and important asanas. After using active asanas to strengthen, stretch, open, and release any tension from the body, the final resting pose of Savasana allows you to integrate your efforts. Savasana centers you in your sacred space, giving you alignment and perspective. In the stillness, everything that has been moved can settle into its correct place.
One of my favorite benefits of Savasana is how it helps us to manage stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response) and deactivating the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response). This is crucial now more than ever, as it is estimated that 90% of all doctor visits are the result of stress (according to the WHO). What I'm about to say may sound like a paradox to the busy mind, but while Savasana is a resting pose, it is actually incredibly productive.
This month, I invite you to get curious about rest and relaxation. Observe your thoughts and opinions about rest without judgment. Notice if rest feels natural and easy to move into, or is it something you think you have to earn. Do you see rest as productive, or do you consider it a waste of time? How can you give your body and mind more deep, healing rest this month? Even just a few minutes of quiet and stillness, like the Savasana that one experiences at the end of a yoga class, can be enough to transform your energy.
Sign up with Ocean Bliss Yoga for yoga classes, Pilates classes, sound baths, and more workshops at oceanblissyoga.net. Call or text me with any questions at 917-318-1168. We are located on the 3rd floor of the Belle Harbor Yacht Club. Parking available in the lot downstairs. All are welcome.