A Blissful Life 12/17/24: Your Inward Journey Starts Now
Winter brings long nights and short days. The cold and lack of light outside naturally draw us inward, making this season the perfect time to embark on an inward journey. ‘Svadhyaya’ is a Sanskrit term that means, “one’s own reading” or “self-study.” As we move into winter at Ocean Bliss Yoga, we will be turning our attention inside for a while, getting to know our true ‘Self’, as well as our ego ‘self’.
‘Svadhyaya’ is the fourth Niyama (observance) of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (“collection of short verses that serve as a guide to attain wisdom and self-realization through yoga”). To practice ‘Svadhyaya’, we take time to study scriptures and Self. While 'self' written with a small 's' refers to ourselves in the physical form (our ego), 'Self' with a capital 'S' describes our true Self, or the divine within us.
In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali writes, "Study thy self, discover the divine."
As we focus our attention inside, we gain greater awareness around what we are not, and are able to more clearly see the truth of who and what we are. Studying the 'self' helps us to notice our habits and thought patterns, and to realize that they are different from who we are at our core essence. When we listen to the 'self', we often do things that aren't aligned with our intuition and soul-felt beliefs. By practicing ‘Svadhyaya’, we recognize the things we do that are harmful, along with those that serve our highest good.
One way to practice ‘Svadhyaya’ is through studying the scriptures. This can mean sitting with any inspiring text or book that helps you to deepen your own practice. In order for it to become self-study, you must not only read the texts, but also reflect upon them. How do they resonate with you? How do they relate to your own life experience? How can you apply what you learn to your own life?
Another way to practice Svadhyaya is on the mat. Studying your habits and thought processes on the yoga mat in asana, meditation, and breath work practices can reveal a lot about yourself. Things that easily go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of life come up when we step onto the yoga mat. When there is nothing left to distract us, we come face-to-face with our 'problems'. While this can be intimidating at first, it is a great way to break down the ego and come more fully into Self.
Finally, to practice ‘Svadhyaya’ when you are living life, pause to observe your thoughts, habits, and actions, then ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" Observe yourself as if you were observing someone else. Notice the details of how you speak, how you react, your posture, what you eat, what you wear, etc. Look at yourself honestly, and be kind, patient, and compassionate with your findings.
Join us in our cozy, sacred studio space to practice ‘Svadhyaya’ on your yoga mat all season long. If you’re looking for a transformational deep dive this winter, I invite you to discover our 200-Hour Yoga Alliance-Certified Yoga Teacher Training at www.oceanblissyoga.net/workshops. Sign up before January 15th, 2025 and save $500 with our Early Bird Special. For questions and payment plan options, call me at 917-318-1168.