A Blissful Life 11/25/24: Grounding: Why & How?

Wishing everyone a very happy Thanksgiving! With December around the corner, I thought I’d use this week’s column to talk about our studio focus at Ocean Bliss Yoga for the upcoming month.

Across cultures and religions, December brings a season of light. Loved ones gather, illuminating homes and hearts. There is a warmth from within shared among family and friends. This beautiful opportunity to congregate with those you care about often brings a lot of preparation and activity, which is why we are prioritizing ‘grounding’ this month at Ocean Bliss Yoga.

When I speak about grounding, I am referring to using specific techniques and practices to help you stay present, calm, and stable. Taking conscious measures to remain grounded during periods of excitement and activity can help us to be fully present and enjoy ourselves, without falling off balance. Contrarily, if we do not take the time to ground ourselves, we are more likely to have an accident, get sick, or become mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. It is especially important during periods of stress, excitement, or heightened activity to prioritize the things that keep us healthy and well.

When there is a lot going on, it can be tempting to push your wellness practices aside. When thoughts of doing this creep into your head, remind yourself that it is these practices that will allow you to keep up with everything going on in your life without having to endure major setbacks. Keeping our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits well-fed and cared for play a huge part in our success in any area of life.

I invite you to join us at Ocean Bliss Yoga Studio this month to ground and find presence on the mat. Additionally, here are a few grounding exercises that you can do on your own as you see fit:

2:1 Breathing: Breathe in and out of your nose (if accessible– otherwise mouth is ok), making your exhale 2x the length of your inhale. This specific breath work activates the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing the body into a state of calm.

Tune Into Your Senses: Pause and pay attention to your surroundings. What are 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste?

Connect With The Earth: Walk barefoot on the sand, soil, or grass. Lie on the ground, exposing your skin to the earth. Work with plants.

Engage Your Muscles: Lifting weights, carrying heavy objects, or doing strength exercises will help to bring you into your body.

Body Wake Up: Tap, firmly rub, or squeeze up and down your arms, legs, and the front and back of your torso.

Humming: Take a deep inhale. Keeping the lips closed, make a humming “mmm” sound for the duration of your exhale. Repeat 6-10 times as needed.

Visualization: Visualize yourself calm and stable, anchored at the base of your spine. Imagine roots growing downward from the bottom of your torso, tying you to the earth.

Use A Mantra: Use your favorite mantra to keep you present and balanced. Make it the screensaver on your phone, or write it out on a post-it and stick it somewhere you will see it various times throughout the day.

Become a certified yoga teacher and transform your life! Ocean Bliss Yoga is excited to announce our 200-Hour Yoga Alliance-Certified Yoga Teacher Training! Course will begin on February 21st and take place every other weekend (Fridays 6-8pm, Saturdays 11am-7pm, Sundays 12-7pm) through June 29th. Early bird special available! Spaces are limited. Learn more and sign up at www.oceanblissyoga.net/workshops. Call me with any questions at 917-318-1168.

Jennifer Kelleher