January 2023 Studio Focus: TAPAS (Self-Discipline)

Happy January! Each month at Ocean Bliss Yoga Studio we have one or two studio focuses to help bring awareness to different areas of our life. This month, our focuses are TAPAS (self-discipline) and SUN SALUTATIONS (Surya Namaskar). Read on in this blog post to discover more about TAPAS!

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TAPAS is the third of Patanjali's Niyamas and it translates to mean self-discipline.  The Sanskrit word TAPAS is derived from the verb 'tap', which means, 'to burn.'  TAPAS is often associated with having the passion, fire, strength, and courage to burn away blockages and impurities from the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. 

While TAPAS is strong, fiery, and fierce, it does not have to be serious!  TAPAS is the fire burning in our bellies that gets us out of bed in the morning.  It is driven by our passion and leads us to grow personally and become better human beings.

Patanjali said, "Practice and all is coming..."

TAPAS is not about forcing or pushing, but rather being consistent in your positive practices because you know that they are beneficial and for your greater good.  That might mean going to bed an hour earlier so that you can wake up for your yoga practice, eating and drinking mindfully so that you feel better, or consciously leaning into your edge so that you may safely and steadily improve.

There are many ways to increase your discipline, passion, courage, and fire.  We will be exploring this in the studio and virtual room throughout the month, and we encourage you to join us.  To get started, below are a few ideas to help set yourself up for success:

(1) Start and end each day with a healthy and helpful routine.
(2) Practice kapalbhati breathing (breath of fire).
(3) Practice solar plexus breathing (join Jen in class to learn this one).
(4) Do core strengthing exercises daily.
(5) Write down your goals, visualize yourself living the outcome, and get into the feeling of what it's like to be there in the here and now.
(6) Stay organized and on track by making lists and scheduling your days.
(7) Stay accountable with a buddy, mentor, or community.
(8) Make your motto, "Progress, not perfect."
(9) Stay connected to your why.
(10) Go slow and steady - rushing only slows us down.

TAPAS helps us to feel confident and comfortable in our bodies.  It gives us the energy and drive to take action and turn our dreams into our living, breathing, waking reality!

Jennifer Kelleher